Friday, February 19, 2010

Finally, Some News!

I've been worrying about my visa for weeks now. I interviewed with a school in December and sent off all my paperwork in January and then, radio silence for weeks. There was an issue with some missing paperwork from my old school, but my recruiter told me it wouldn't slow the visa process down, but as the beginning of the semester crept closer and still no word, I began to worry. Tuesday night I was helping my mom cook dinner and updating her on the total lack of progress on my visa, and I started to freak out. What if this job feel through? What would I do? What can I tell my recruiter to make her give me a straight answer? Holy crap, I'm suppose to be leaving the country in twelve days and I'm COMPLETELY unprepared!

After dinner, I went upstairs and checked my email. There was an email from my recruiter with all the necessary paperwork to apply for my visa. I spent yesterday running around town, trying to get everything ready, and I mailed off my paperwork to the Korean Consulate yesterday afternoon. Then today, I woke up to an email from my former co-teacher telling me she had mailed the last of my paperwork to my recruiter. I booked a plane ticket today and, God and Korean Consulate willing, I'm heading back to Korea on February 27th, next Saturday.

Of course, this means that all of a sudden, I'm very very busy and I only have days to do all those things I said I needed to do before I left the country. It also means I need to pack, and I hate packing. You'd think that after a year in Korea, I would have a pretty good idea of what I need to bring with me and what I can get, but I'm still obsessively reading packing lists online, even if I do disagree with what most of them say. What can I say, I like making lists. The only thing I've started to pack is my yarn and I haven't even started to shop yet. Then there's this compulsion that I remember from last year, when I attempt to read several dozen books before I leave because AHH, I can't take them all with me, so I must commit them to memory RIGHT NOW!

It's going to be a fun week and a half.

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