Monday, March 1, 2010


I'm back in Korea! I left Brevard Friday afternoon after a super hectic week that including getting violently ill on Saturday afternoon and discovering an hour before I was suppose to leave to spend the night in Charlotte so I could catch my very early plane the next day that due to the CIAA basketball tournament, there were no more hotel rooms left in the entire city. (That's not actually true. I did eventually find a single, very expensive room, but only after half an hour of increasingly frantic searching.) Not to mention doctor visits I couldn't afford (when I have to wait until I move to Korea to get tests run because I can't afford them in my own country, it's a sign that we need health care reform), packing and completely failing to say goodbye to people properly. (Psst, people I know in real life - probably won't be able to do anything this weekend, on account of now living in Asia. Psst, people in Korea, hi, I'm back.)

I actually left the US Saturday morning and arrived in Korea Sunday evening. My flights were uneventful (I knit a whole lot of a sock) and I made it to my new apartment by 6:30. I was met by my co-teacher, Nicole, who seems really nice and speaks amazing English. She showed me where the school (we totally got lost) and the market were and pointed the direction to the subway station, and I was asleep by 9:00. (This is actually a big deal in my quest for not being a walking zombie for the next month. Last year, I didn't make it to my apartment until nearly 1:00 in the morning, woke up at 3:30 and then fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon the next day, which is a bad bad thing to do when trying to adjust to jetlag and ushered in nearly two months of exhaustion and horrible sleep patterns.)

Monday was Independence Day, so I had the day off. I spent it unpacking (almost done), wandering around my new neighborhood and catching up with people. I made sure I could find my school. Now it's Tuesday morning. My alarm will go off in ten minutes, but I've been awake for two hours, waiting for the day and and my new job to begin. And also dancing around my apartment to Queen, because everybody needs a little Freddie Mercury in their life.

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